Optimal Trust Bank

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Our solutions for independent financial advisors and wealth managers include research, infrastructure and a broad range of products and services.We offers high net worth and affluent individuals around the world a complete range of tailored advice and investment services. Our spectrum ranges from investment management to estate planning and corporate finance advice, in addition to specific wealth management products and services.

Save 4 me

What are your goals?

Whatever stage of life you’re at, we can guide you through the opportunities and challenges you face. Your investment goals may be different, but here are some examples of the sort of questions our wealth planners can help you answer.Join our program and learn to save wisely ahead for your future. Funds won't be available still target date is reached.


Reliable asset program

Join our program and learn to invest on asset. Earn from buying, selling and exchanging assets. Asset can also be transferred within platform. The value of asset changes every 1hour based on live market prices

Our services

Our capabilities

Service status

We’re committed to making sure you get the best possible service. Sometimes we need to work on our Internet Bank, Banking app, and other systems but we’ll always try to minimize disruption. Our services are working normally Our service commitment Our goal is to make sure your money is always safe, secure, and managed in the best possible way. Whenever we have important improvements to make, we will try to minimize disruption to members by: Taking services offline at off-peak times, like weekends or early hours. Letting you know in advance, so you can be prepared. Letting you know when the work has been completed. Thank you for understanding. Open Banking channel availability report For more information about how Open Banking has been performing read our latest Channel Availability Report. Open Banking channel availability report PDF, 352KB (opens in a new window) Regular updates on work If you need any additional information on maintenance, please contact us on Twitter. Related links Online banking help Contact us Branch finder

Frequent question

Build your savings without even trying.

Turn on Round-up Rules and start saving up effortlessly. Whenever you make a purchase, Goals make it easy to save for the things you want or want to do. There’s no need for spreadsheets or extra apps to budget and track your money.

Discover More

Corporate internet banking is a secure online banking platform that enables cutomers make transfers to anyone in the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Yes account update requsests can be made at any of the branches

Accounts become dormant after 6 months of inactivity

Yes, the account can be operated through any of our internet banking solution.

An account that suits you

We want to create superior value for our clients, shareholders and employees. And we want to stand out as a winner in our industry: for our expertise, advice and execution, our contribution to society, our work environment, and our business success. Fintech is a registered investment platform providing digital asset investment management services to individuals. We provide a dynamic investment solution to clients in need of a self-operating portfolio, as well as a smart fund with flexible time and investment amount.


What our client say about us

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Jason Well

Forex trader

Optimal Trust Bank offers a great benefits package and a generous amount of sick/personal time for full-time employees


Micheal Pete

Forex analyst

The company has a great product offering and in-depth intellectual thought leadership.